Monday, July 2, 2007

i finished

i'm sooo glad that i finally finished the learn 2.0 but i wish it could still go on becasue there is so much out there on the internet and i feel like i am not as internet knowledged as another teen my age would be. but thats ok i now know that u can do basically everythig you could ever think of on the internet and if you don't know how or where to do it you could always check on a search engine like google. well this is it. i'm done! well i am excited to get my mp3 player becasue i will use it to listen to music instead of having to carry some big cd player around i can just stick the mp3 player in my pocket and go! I will also try and put some books of the bible in there so i can also listen to the bible whenever i want to and i don't have a bble around!


Si me gusta hablar español porque yo soy BORICUA!!! jaja bueno me gusta esta cosa de learn 2.0 porque yo he aprendido mucho..cosas que yo ni sabia que tu podias hacer y que exsistian. Pues ten un buen dia adios que dios te bendiga!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I have been looking for a place to play volleyball for a very long time but i just can't seem to find one. i've been searching on google bbut i can't find anything near by. i have found helpful sites on volleyball tips and also on buying volleyball equipment but a place to play...none!!!! =(


I really like photography and cosomotology. i will be studing cosmotology next year with duel enrollment and will be able to graduate with my skin care license which is required for you to be able to get your cosmotology liscince. I am very excited about that. I looked up photography on google to see what i could find and it was very cool what i found. very simple websites like and I was alos able to find websites that will send me info. on photography schools.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

meez thingy!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hostingso yeah i finally made a meez and was able to post it!! i'm so happy! i tried to make the meez look like me or at least spanish!! i don't like the background but its what i could do with the little time i had. hope u like!!! yeah i think i did great!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

well this is fun!

I enjoy exploring and stuff on the learn 2.0! i am definatly looking forward to my mp3 player prize!!! YAYA!

So many things!

Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!! There are so many websutes out there and so many things!! it incredible. you could spend a whole day on the internet if thats how you wawnted to waste your time or if you were really bored. Its like never ending! With the learn 2.0 thing i have learned many things. It didn't surprise me that ocls was on myspace and other websites because on myspace you can find literally anything..because there are so many people out there! this is very exciting and i am looking forward to what i will learn next.!